Infinity porcelain Travertino Grey Kitchen Island

Infinity porcelain and Quartz hold many differences, aside from sporting different colour designs and finishes. Both materials possess different performance attributes that change the way the materials behave and need to be treated.

Heat Resistance

One key difference between Infinity porcelain and Quartz is the resistance to heat that the two materials hold. Infinity porcelain is high heat resistant, allowing for pots and pans to be taken straight off of the stove and onto the surface, while we do not recommend this and would try to avoid doing this it won’t be a problem. In contrast, Quartz surfaces will begin to warp over time – losing design and finish, creating a surface that will need to be replaced.

Stain Resistance

Both Infinity porcelain and Quartz are resistant to staining, the non-porous surface materials allow for spillages and spraying from pans to occur without having the fear of a discoloured or stained surface material. This can be a massive problem solution in many areas of interior design, from kitchen surfaces to bathroom design and even furniture, both materials reduce the risk and worry of staining.

Ease To Clean

Another factor separating the two materials is the ease to clean. Infinity porcelain can be cleaned with common household cleaning products, the material also does not need to be buffed or polished to maintain the finish. This could be the perfect material for a busy household, saving time and creating a more efficient cleaning process – leaving this issue in the back of your mind. However, a detergent will be needed to clean a Quartz surface, this could cause an issue as you may not have this at home or you could be using a chemical with too much acid in it, possibly staining the surface material.

Scratch Resistance

Both Quartz and Infinity porcelain are resistant to scratching. The scratch resistance of these materials allows you to slice and dice foods on the surface without worrying whether there will be damage. This will also be useful in bathroom design and furniture, mugs, bowls and trays can all be moved across the surface without scratching the finish or revealing any damage. Additional to scratch resistance Infinity porcelain surfaces are suitable for food contact and are classed as hygienic. Providing you with all of your culinary needs.

Outdoor Usage

One major difference between Infinity Porcelain and Quartz surfaces is the ways in which the materials can be used. Infinity porcelain covers all areas of home design with a high UV resistance, accommodating outdoor usage throughout the summer period without losing colour. Additionally, Infinity porcelain is resistant to frost, accounting for the cold winter period that could otherwise damage your surfaces!

Infinity porcelain Concrete Light exterior

When deciding whether to use Infinity porcelain or Quartz, make sure to take these points into consideration as both surface materials have their individual strengths and advantages for projects!

To learn more about our Infinity surfaces make sure to visit: “What is Infinity”