What is the difference between Dekton and Quartz?

Favos worktop

Dekton and Quartz hold many differences that aren’t just the finishes and styles available. The two products also hold differences in their resistance to everyday occurrences such as scratching. These differences can result in huge changes in the usability of your panels.

What is Dekton?

Dekton is a sintered stone that is manufactured using high amounts of heat and pressure. The process used to manufacture Dekton allows for a reduction in porosity which brings an absence of micro defects that can otherwise cause tension or weak points. Dekton can be used in varying thicknesses of 4mm, 8mm, 20mm, and 30mm.

Our Favos panels

Favos panels are manufactured by bonding 4mm of sintered Dekton stone with a 20mm aluminium honeycomb. The facing skins use a medium-grade fibreglass mesh that is bonded using a specially formulated epoxy system. We employ the same technology that is used in composite aircraft manufacture!

Favos worktop

What is Quartz?

Quartz is a form of manufactured stone that is made using ground-up particles of stone that are bound together with plastic resins. Roughly 10% of the material volume is not stone but a polymer or cement-based binder.

Stain resistance

Dissimilarly to Dekton, Quartz is not stain resistant. Because Quartz is not stain resistant there are some things you should avoid contact with on a Quartz: bleach, high PH cleaners, permanent markers, paint, paint remover, nail polish remover, glue, and oil. Exposure to these materials could damage and stain Quartz. Favos’ Dekton panels are not susceptible to stains, therefore allowing you to easily wipe away what would normally be a hard stain to remove on other surfaces.

Heat resistance

Unlike Dekton panels, Quartz is susceptible to heat damage. If Quartz is exposed to hot cookware this could melt the resins inside the panels, causing permanent discolouration and damage. However, Dekton panels are heat resistant, allowing you to place hot objects on top of the panels without the concern of causing discolouration or damage. Even with the high heat resistance of Dekton panels we would not recommend repeatedly leaving hot kitchenware on the panels surface.

Scratch resistance

Quartz is scratch-resistant and will allow you to cut and dice food on the panel without causing damage. Similarly to Quartz, Dekton panels are resistant enough to scratching that you are able to cut and dice food on the surfaces of the panel. However, if you do this the utensils will begin to dull, because of this it is recommended that you use a chopping board.

Ultraviolet resistance (UV)

If Quartz is used as a panel outside, then there will be an effect on the appearance and usability of the product. One issue that will occur to Quartz panels if used outside is the discolouration of the panels. However, Dekton has a high UV resistance, this allows for the panels to be used in any environment, both inside your everyday kitchen or as a part of your summer barbecue grill. In both situations, Dekton will maintain its clean finishes and continue to hold other characteristics such as heat resistance, scratch resistance, and stain resistance.


Additionally, Quartz is hard to install and requires professionals to measure, level, and secure because of the heavy weight and difficult installation process. Compared to Favos panels this is a huge disadvantage as Favos’ Dekton panels weigh just 15kg/m², allowing for easy transportation, whether this is in the delivery phase or while the panels are being transported through your home. On top of this Favos panels are perfect for any D.I.Y. project as the lightweight panels allow for easy installation.

Favos worktop installation

Where can they be used?

Dissimilarly to Quartz, Favos can be used both inside and outside, even in the hottest or most frigid temperatures. This gives you the opportunity to have both an astonishing kitchen and a mesmerizing barbecue area.

Why should you choose lightweight over other materials? – Favos