Stainless steel sink from Favos

While Favos specialises in lightweight surfaces we also offer a range of designer “Sinks“, manufactured by Artinox using the most up to date machinery and high-grade stainless steel. Combining style with functionality, Favos’ Artinox sinks benefit you for more than just a stunning sink, and here’s how.


Favos’ Artinox sink range provides immense style in design. Through high-grade production methods, we offer sinks with incredible durability, combined with a stainless steel finish. In addition, the sinks we provide hold many different characteristics that will help you achieve any style. With various options in size, length, mount type and sink type Favos can help you create a sink area to suit all your needs. So let’s dig into these!

Mount type

Favos offers three mount types in our sink range – flushmount, overmount and undermount. Bringing you additional style that suits your needs and requirements. So what are the differences in mount type and how should you decide which one is necessary for you?


A flushmount sink provides a seamless edge, connecting the sink to the work surface. This style of sink creates immense style, with an unbeatable flow from surface to sink basin. On top of the style created by a flushmount sink, there is also incredible functionality as an easy-to-clean area is created, whilst also saving surface space that can be used for taps and accessories.


Overmount sinks are inserted into a hole in the surface, giving the sink and kitchen a unique and traditional look. Unlike other mount types, our overmount range of Artinox sinks provide an easy installation. Additionally, there is a great amount of protection given to the surfaces due to the sink’s design, if you live in a busy household where the washing up can stack up quickly into a pile this is perfect for you.


As described in the name, an undermount sink is fitted below the surface, giving space for the surface to expose itself – creating a unique yet tremendous style. As a result of the design, an undermount sink allows for an easy to clean sink area. However, damages can easily occur to the surface material due to exposure, but with Favos’ scratch resistant surfaces this won’t be a problem.

Artinox sinks: Ghost

Stainless Steel Sink

So what benefits does a stainless steel sink bring to your kitchen?

One major factor is that stainless steel sinks are highly durable, allowing constant use without damage. This will help you keep a hold of the design and style you dreamt of.

Secondly, stainless steel sinks provide easy cleaning and maintenance, if you have small children this is perfect for you as can wait to clean your sink until you have a spare moment!


Favos’ Artinox sink range features a range of customisable design options. Options ranging from “single” to “double & drainer” create the opportunity for you to achieve your desired kitchen whilst also meeting your individual requirements. Additionally, our sink range provides a variation in design that not many stainless steel sinks can achieve. All of our sinks are completely different and unique from one another – giving you the ability to find a sink that meets all the quotas you need!

Sink Accessories

Not only do our sinks allow for great durability, incredible design and easy cleaning and maintenance. The Favos sink range comes with a range of accessories – easily integrated with the sink itself, being layered on top of one another to achieve maximum surface and sink space. The use of Favos’ sink accessories makes cleaning, storage and food preparation much easier with a vast range of accessible opportunities. Ranging from plate holders to chopping boards that cover the sink (hiding any washing up you may have when visitors are over).

Functional Kitchen - Artinox sinks - Layer with accessories

Overall the Favos sink range provides many benefits to you and your kitchen, from simplicity in maintenance and cleaning to a stunning design that is sure to stand out. We bring many benefits including great quality, accessibility opportunities and the incredible style that our products bring just to name a few. If you would like to take a look at more of our sinks please use the button below.